RENEWAL: Heaven and Earth

Hotel Air-Conditioned, Bangkok, Thailand, Sunday 16th February 2568, 7.23am *

Every human being, without exception, is subject to two fundamental forces. Of course there are also a million-and-one other factors that determine human behaviour from one minute to the next. But when I say fundamental I mean that when all is said and done, at the end of the day, in the final analysis, in the root and at the core, all human life exists on a vertical spectrum, the two ends of which we can call ABOVE and BELOW.

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What Do You Mean?

Words conceal, confuse, disorientate, mislead and only sometimes, reveal. Misunderstanding of words is not purely a function of literacy or intelligence, it is determined by the level of consciousness and the strength of the soul. Broadly three things happen, among three types of people. First there are people who do not understand what words mean. Then there are those who think the words are the meaning…

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One World?

Hotel Acceptable, Warsaw, Poland, Wednesday 3rd April 2023, 6.03am

It was noticeable the moment I was ‘wheels up’ at London Luton Airport, and it was even more apparent now. I speculated upon it in my book Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British & Their Isles in 2015, and I had felt it for the first time in 2016, on a return trip from Norway, but now I could taste it. It was no longer even a feeling, an idea or a suspicion. I could sense it as clear as day, almost as if it were right before my eyes. Britain was cursed.

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Merry England 2.0

I was mysteriously awoken from sleep recently by the words of the esteemed, English born spiritual teacher John Parr. In a very clear and distinct voice he told me to

“Play the game, you know you can’t quit until it’s won. Solider on, only you can do what must be done. You know in some way you’re a lot like me, you’re just a prisoner and you’re trying to break free.”

As the accompanying music became louder he continued his words of wisdom with a reminder that ‘St Elmo’s Fire was burning in me.” Well, that woke me up.

Strange though this was, it was perfectly timed because

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2024: Accelerate!

Everyone seems to be in the prediction game these days. At least that how it seems. In reality what we now have is a strong and growing appetite for people to outwardly project their own desires and fantasies (and sometimes fears) into the world, to create them as the reality which everyone else must inhabit, and to call that prediction. You see this in 1-2-1 predictive readings, as well as among many who claim to be able to see the future. What they in fact see is the future they secretly want (or privately fear). Rarely, these days, do we encounter people with genuine clairvoyance (clear sightedness).

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There is civilisation, and then there is barbarism, and the thing which separates them is violence. Under barbarism, violence has free reign, and might is always right. In a civilisation, violence, though never completely abolished, is restricted, with sanctions and limits placed upon its use. This is an imperfect arrangement, but it keeps most people from getting killed, as well as preventing a slide into barbarism. Civilisations prosper when the urge to kill is outweighed by the desire for life, and civilisations collapse when their more violent elements gain the upper hand.

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Every now and again people go mad. They abandon their conscience, let rip their emotions and fall under the spell of dark forces. The English Civil War. The French Revolution. The first two World Wars. The Soviet Revolution. Nazi Germany. Millions dead. Millions more traumatised. The pattern repeats, worse every time, and it is happening again now.

Dark forces have been gathering for years…

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Three Wills

There are Three Wills in action in our world. There is your own will, sometimes known as Free Will. But there is also the Will of Caesar as well as the Divine Will. So that’s You, Caesar and God, fighting it out for supremacy…

But who is Caesar?

Well, Caesar is a just an umbrella term for all forms of institutionalised human power. The President is Caesar, so is the Prime Minister, so is the CEO as well as the captain of the local cricket team. There are many Caesars, they come in all shapes and sizes and operate in many different areas of life, but they all represent an organisation that is trying to tell you what to do. Thankfully though, Caesar, in his quest for total domination, constantly runs up against God’s Will. God here is simply a term for the force that initiates all things outside human control.  

Put more simply then, in almost every situation you have the following choice…

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From Monarchy to Democracy and Beyond. Part 3

Welcome to the last part of this detailed look at the ongoing disintegration of the West, with particular reference to America, France and Britain. If these articles have induced fear then please try to balance that with the greater awareness that they have given you. After all it is what you don’t know that gets you. Please make sure to catch up with the previous instalments for the whole picture, and to read my book The Key to Time for even more.

We are alive during the end of the Kali Yuga. This is a period of

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From Monarchy to Democracy and Beyond. Part 2

The last time I attempted a detailed Tarot spread on the state of the nation was around the time of the Brexit referendum in 2016. Suffice to say that the cards, then, were dire. But a lot has happened since, so let’s update and look ahead, particularly in light of last times blog, the part one to this sequel.

I used a 1971 Rider Waite pack and arranged them on a flag of the Union Jack. I have a number of flags which I use for such purposes whenever I want to see what’s going on somewhere in the world. It helps to set the scene and attunes me to the right energy. I had a few other accompaniments to help me but they must remain trade secrets for now. What I was after was general information, a flavour of the nation, not a detailed picture, the signal, not the noise.

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From Monarchy to Democracy and Beyond. Part 1

As we approach the magical ceremony known as the Coronation, it is time to consider what is going on in the UK. It’s 8 years since my ground-breaking book Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British and their Isles passed entirely unnoticed through the national consciousness, so let’s see where we are now, and where we are going next. This matters because although we are individuals with our own issues and our own paths, we are at the same time part of ‘we’, a nation, and the energy of the group affects us, whether we like it or not. This article is Part 1 of 3 and it represents a change of mind in a number of areas.

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50 not out

I celebrated my 50th birthday last year, and am currently experiencing another important milestone, my Chiron Return. This occurs when the planet (that isn’t a planet) Chiron returns to the position it occupied at birth, bringing with it the opportunity for deep, inner transformation and healing. It takes fifty years to travel round the entire chart, so I probably won’t see another one, and that’s what makes it special. Of course, being aware of this sometime in advance I set things up so that I could max out this magical portal, and I am happy to report that so far it’s been a very rich and beneficial, though occasionally challenging, experience.

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The Importance of Being Miserable

Just for the avoidance of doubt, before we get into this, I want to make it clear that I am not miserable. Of course I have been, in the past, but for quite some time now I have been happy and optimistic. What I mean by optimistic is that I am totally up for the collapse of Western civilisation and all that it entails. Naturally, it would have been nicer if that didn’t have to happen, but it is happening and cannot be stopped. So I take the attitude first proposed by the great spiritual teachers REM when they sang “it is the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine”.

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2023: Science and Spirituality. Can you really have both?

The foundations of a good, spiritual life are HEALTH and TRUTH. Without these you are destined to remain locked in your Body-Mind-Feelings machine, not living, but existing, doing as others tell you, devoid of any connection to your own meaning and purpose.

The Body-Mind-Feelings machine is the vehicle that the Soul travels in. This is how spiritual beings get to have human experiences, through the transport of the Body-Mind-Feelings. This has been true forever, and it’s always been a struggle between the Soul and Body-Mind-Feelings as to which runs the show. This struggle is called spiritual development, the process of steadily placing the Soul back in charge. And it’s a struggle that is ongoing…

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The Power of Love

People do shitty things all the time. They behave appallingly, are vindictive as well as self-destructive. There is no use trying to whitewash over this, the stains are too deep. The question is what to do about it? Fortunately, an answer was given to us by the great teacher of ancient mysteries, initiate of the priests of Egypt and student of the wise Vedic masters, Jesus Christ, when he said…

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Who Are You Listening To?

I am often asked how I manage to be so relaxed in the face of the ongoing collapse of civilisation? Well, to be clear, I am not completely relaxed about it, it is source of concern, but I am definitely way more relaxed about it than most.

Is this to do with age? At 50 have I achieved all that I wanted and there is nothing left to do? No, definitely not.

Is it to do with energy? Do I simply no longer possess the vigour to fight and would rather chill and relax? No, it is not that either. I am as motivated as I ever was, maybe more.

Is it my temperament, my character, my numbers, my planets? Hahaha! Certainly not. I am not by nature a chilled or relaxed person, at all. I have worked hard to attain any sort of calm and balance in my life.

So, what is it then? If I think, like many others do, that everything is going to hell, how come I am not having a meltdown about it?

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Choices and Consequences

“War is a racket” Major General Smedley D Butler

War is a racket, but it’s also a choice. All wars are wars of choice. The aggressor decides how he begins, and his enemy decides how they respond. At no point is it all down to fate or destiny. This is as true now as it ever was.

The local conflict ignited by Gavrilo Princip in June 1914 became a World War which extinguished the lives of twenty million because the great powers of the day, Germany and Britain chose to make it one.

It is not popular to say so but….

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Better a King than a Kardashian

Why does a tribe have a chief?

Why does a company have an MD or a CEO?

Why does a team have a captain?

Because without a leader you have chaos.

Monarchs wear the crown so that we don’t have to. Because we can’t. Because we aren’t ready .

Now, you may say that you don’t need a monarch, and that you are wise and strong and capable enough to rule yourself, that you can wear your own crown. And maybe you can. But this isn’t only about you. It’s also about all the millions of people out there who have no clue how to be, or what to do, unless they receive a cue from a leader. This is the reality of the world that we live in, and given this who should they take their cues from? Whose example should they follow?

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