Reading palms
Arthur is pictured here at a psychic fayre, somewhere in early-90’s England. Already a reader of some repute (having learned the art of reading playing cards some decades earlier) the 1990’s saw him heavily involved in the mainstreaming of mystic arts and the explosion of interest in this scene. Arthur (assisted by Pat) travelled from Aberdeen to Folkestone and from Cardiff to Norwich offering guidance and direction to all comers. He performed thousands of readings during this long period of intense activity, sometimes seeing 20 or more people in a day.

Mind Body Spirit Fair. Cheltenham, early 1990's
Arthur spoke straightforwardly, yet compassionately, with the confidence that only comes when you really know your stuff. He used Tarot, Numerology, Palmistry and the healing arts to guide and advise people from all walks of life.

Tuning in (left) and a sample flyer (right)
Arthur was a strong communicator and a good listener, with genuine compassion for people and interest in their stories. If you were in mid flow he did not feel the need to jump in and would patiently wait for the right time to issue the golden nugget of wisdom that would clarify everything.

Teaching, explaining
Arthur taught that learning was the key to improving life, often stating that “the more you learn the better life gets”. Over time then his private workshops, for small groups or individuals, became more and more popular. It was here that Arthur came into his own, delivering relatable wisdom for all who wanted to learn about life, its mysteries and its possibilities. He tirelessly presented the mystic arts in a common sense and down to earth manner.

Healing (left) and close to the end (right)
Arthur spent many years developing a unique approach to personal development, creating a powerful form of hands on healing which he shared with only a few. He knew how to make the impossible possible, and many people experienced the benefit of this.
Arthur continued his work right up until the end. The aura photograph on the right was taken only months before he died on 10th March 2010. His body was weaker by then, but his energy remained strong and clear.
Arthur’s unique and innovative teachings were collected and published by Richard Abbot and his work continues to this day.