“When the student is ready the teacher will appear”
Would you like to become more aware and awake?
Do you desire the strength that comes from knowing who you are and what you are for?
Do you want to build a positive lifestyle based on integrity, a kind heart, an open mind and a clear conscience?
Do you seek peace of mind?
Some of what you have read on this site will make sense, some of it may be incomprehensible, no matter. The rule is simply that it should interest you, because interest always reveals ability.
To embark on your search for enlightenment requires that you abandon all pre-conceptions and fully open your mind. This is eminently possible, though harder than it might seem. What has happened in your life so far is of no importance. The only thing that matters is that you have to want to learn.
Your quest begins the moment you first contact me, and takes place in two stages - first knowledge, then action. You gain the required knowledge during our sessions. Distance is no barrier, although maximum benefit will be gained by face to face sessions. You then take what you have learned and use it. Using what you have learned will give you proof and will in turn expand your knowledge even further. Full understanding can be gained by mastering each level of awareness in turn. The doors to acceptance, and ultimately wisdom, await.
There are no short cuts and your personal situation will dictate where you start and how we personalise your sessions.
You will learn techniques and methods, and be shown how to work with the different spiritual technologies in order to cultivate magical mind.
Is this for you?
This programme is delivered to an extremely high level of professionalism, integrity and competence. I will not facilitate flakiness or coach you to take short cuts. This work is strictly for those who wish to make sustainable movements forward with their life, improve their game, excel in their work and develop their skills. You have to really want these things. This programme can offer sustenance and nourishment to the right souls but in order to preserve the mysteries for those who value them I have a zero tolerance policy for whiners, complainers, anyone who is negative or toxic, know-it-alls, fantasists, conspiracists, truthers or anyone who constantly blames the government, the illuminati or any other external agency for their own lack of progress. I am not interested in either tantrums or tiaras. On the other hand, much tolerance and patience will be shown to people who are committed to growth and learning and are willing to do what it takes to move forward. Still interested? Then read on….
What you get:
One payment covers one ‘block’ of 4 x 1.5 hour sessions. These can be spread over weeks or months..
Plus full membership of, and unlimited access to, the Hermitage Hub for one year.
Also included is a copy of The Works of Arthur Norris Volume One. We will work with the content of this book throughout our time together. All sessions are one-to-one, and everything we do is personalised for the unique soul that is you.
Book one block at a time. Take breaks between blocks.
“Since time immemorial, men have sought answers to questions, any questions which they felt strengthened them. Occasionally I had influence but most men’s drives were for more outside of themselves, while most women’s desires were for greater inside of themselves. This has now shifted and all humans now seek a greater Inner World and a wider, richer life experience”
THE HERMITAGE CREED from The Works of Arthur Norris Volume One
It is thought by many (where thought is given) that personal or spiritual development should come pretty easily. Join a church, a religion or a development group, think a few pure thoughts, spend some time contemplating the navel, send love and light to a few people and you are well on your way. Being a little woolly, idealistic and above all unrealistic is also thought to be beneficial.
All wrong, wrong, wrong.
The first stage should be spent finding your identity, discovering who you are and the purpose of your life. Without the strongest possible knowledge of self, little satisfactory progress will be made. To reach for the stars, a strong and secure launching platform must be built. Knowing yourself provides this. Along the way to your identity a greater knowledge of self, a greater knowledge of the life around you is also essential. This is why Numerology and related subjects are taught, providing the essential, stable foundations.
You must establish a foundation before you reach for the stars.
The Tarot is then introduced, which when practised, allows the students intuition to develop with great speed. Alternative therapies are then examined, providing the necessary steps toward genuine psychic healing - a rare talent indeed. Universal laws and priorities of life are taught, providing the student with a deeper and wider understanding of the Universe and paving the way toward the greatest prize of all - wisdom.
By now the student finds that they can be of great help to all those around them with their new insights and knowledge. From these building blocks little known meditation techniques are gradually introduced, producing a person whose life fills with a beauty and joy never before known.
Self-development of this kind is a cumulative process and cannot be shortcut in any way. All the pieces of the puzzle are needed. This kind of work, sooner or later involves a surrender to God, the Universe, Source, or whatever you want to call it. Put slightly differently, sooner or later the study requires that you accept who you are and what you are here to do, as well as accepting the way that the world is.
Personal and spiritual development, by itself, always leads to a lack of balance and seekers often find themselves marginalised or isolated due to their unrealism. Any kind of development must begin with fundamentals – an understanding of life, of self and of others.
Welcome friend
I am here to teach you how to understand the threads of cause and effect, both in your life and the lives of those around you, and then coach you on how to set these matters straight. I can guide you toward knowledge of, and proficiency with, the mysteries of life - the invisible, the overlooked, the unusual. I can show you how to take a balanced approach to all forms of spirituality and mysticism. It’s 100% magic with 0% woo.
Of course, no one can really tell you these things, but I can can show you where to look, enable you, support you and encourage you to discover them for yourself. This is not woke New Age Spirituality, it is timeless wisdom made relatable for the 21st century,
To see, and then harness, the invisible currents that interweave through life, to recognise exactly how all things affect each other - health, happiness, wealth, experience, knowledge - is a goal worth striving for. It will enable you to free yourself from the hassle of external circumstances and limitations and finally embrace your true essence.
To study with me is to train for life. You will be imbued with the common sense and the tools with which to attain mental clarity, poise and inner strength. Imagine your health improving, your skin glowing and your eyes sparkling. All this, and a great deal more, is possible. This might seem impossible, but it only seems that way. I’m here waiting for you, when you are ready. Thanks for your interest.
Best wishes,
“God does not make mistakes. You have been given roads to travel and all the tools you need to travel them”
When you are ready to begin your journey just ADD TO CART, fill in the form and make your first payment.
I will then be in touch to set up our first session. Together we can evolve!
Still unsure? I am happy to answer any questions before you commit. Just get in touch here