Posts in numerology
2024: Accelerate!

Everyone seems to be in the prediction game these days. At least that how it seems. In reality what we now have is a strong and growing appetite for people to outwardly project their own desires and fantasies (and sometimes fears) into the world, to create them as the reality which everyone else must inhabit, and to call that prediction. You see this in 1-2-1 predictive readings, as well as among many who claim to be able to see the future. What they in fact see is the future they secretly want (or privately fear). Rarely, these days, do we encounter people with genuine clairvoyance (clear sightedness).

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50 not out

I celebrated my 50th birthday last year, and am currently experiencing another important milestone, my Chiron Return. This occurs when the planet (that isn’t a planet) Chiron returns to the position it occupied at birth, bringing with it the opportunity for deep, inner transformation and healing. It takes fifty years to travel round the entire chart, so I probably won’t see another one, and that’s what makes it special. Of course, being aware of this sometime in advance I set things up so that I could max out this magical portal, and I am happy to report that so far it’s been a very rich and beneficial, though occasionally challenging, experience.

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I Withdraw My Consent

Around a decade ago, exasperated with the direction that the UK was heading in, I decided to use my knowledge of numerology and tarot to try to find out what went wrong and how it could be fixed. I compiled my findings in Great Britain? The Secret Destiny of the British and their Isles, wherein I foresaw, amongst other things Brexit, and a gloomy picture for the ‘entity’ known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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Spiritual Teachers of Hollywood

Will Smith. Amber Heard. Johnny Depp. These are not names that spiritually inclined people usually give much attention to. But perhaps we ought to take more notice, because people who live out their personal dramas for all the world to see are, whether they know it or not, spiritual teachers. As my late teacher Arthur used to say, “other people are there for us to learn from.” The same energy is at play if you witness a multi-car pile-up on the motorway. You can feel sorrow and empathy for the victims, be shocked at or transfixed by the sight, annoyed at the traffic jam or you can vow to change your behaviour so that such a disaster will never befall you.

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Putin, Ukraine and the West: Behind the Mask

Watching clips of the unfolding events in Ukraine takes me back to 1991 and the First Gulf War. I worked at a local printing company as a young backroom assistant to the paper buyer. Every day seemed to revolve around discussion of the war. Sales reps would come in excited about the latest gossipy update they had heard from a ‘reliable source.’ The big boss would thunder through the office triumphally proclaiming massive orders of printed stationery from the RAF (war generates a lot of paperwork, who knew?) And every morning my immediate boss would stagger in bleary eyed after another all-nighter of CNN’s live coverage from Kuwait. I found it all a bit tedious, and quickly concluded that men not only love war, but seek it. Fast forward three decades and very little seems to have changed.

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As we home in on two important dates – the USA Pluto Return on 20/2/2022 and the Terrible Twos on 22/2/2022 - I thought I would try to provide some clarity about what is going on in the world.

If you were born in the West in the twentieth century then you arrived into a society ruled by the number 1.

Pick a year - 1994, 1972, 1961, 1945, 1933 – all the years of the twentieth century began with a 1, but they also began with 19, and 1 + 9 = 10 = 1. 1 was the energy of the masculine, the element Fire, of pioneering innovation and invention, but also of short sightedness and selfishness. 1 = Me. 1 = The Magician in the Tarot.

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666: Some Clues about the Number of the Beast

I have resisted writing this for quite some time, mainly because each time I try I am overwhelmed with the sense of having done it before. Eventually I discovered (remembered?) that I did indeed, during at least one past life, spend many hours in cloistered libraries examining the numerology of biblical scripture. So, I do not want to do that again! However, as it has been many centuries, I suppose it will not hurt to revisit the topic, just this once!

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Location. Location. Location

Once upon a time the questions most frequently asked of me during readings and consultations were “does he love me?” and “is he coming back to me?”

Then, as the years passed, the questions became more about work and career. Relationships still figure high on peoples list of concerns, but not anywhere to the degree they used to. A shift has occurred, perhaps in me, certainly in the people I meet.

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