Every single person on the planet has an Inner Guide, an invisible force that supports, guides and protects you as you go about your business.
Your Inner Guide knows more than you do, and can see further ahead than you. He or she is a conscious spiritual being, connected to you through love and/or duty and are deeply invested in helping you to learn, develop and grow.
This Guide acts as the bridge to God and to the Inner Realms, and everyone is able to make contact with their own Guide.
No two Guides are the same, and our Inner Guides are rarely famous deceased gurus or luminaries from the past, nor are they angels, fairies, dragons or unicorns. Inner Guides are not aspects of our higher self nor are they Guardian Angels. They are (or were) human and are therefore able to guide and direct our actions in this lifetime.
Our Guides never leave us, and never stop trying to help us. But without knowledge and practice we can so easily distance ourselves from them.
Full knowledge of, and good conversation with, your Inner Guide is the work of a lifetime, but that journey can begin right here, right now.
Take your first step into a much larger world by listening to the link below.
Once you have completed this exercise feel free to share your experience with me here
Rather than marking an ending by exclaiming “I have met my Guide!” this exercise is the first of many necessary steps along the path of soul evolution.