Soul Strong (Volume One)

Soul Strong (Volume One)
The Way of the Second Cross.
Numerology, Tarot, Magic, Ancient Philosophy and a New (Old) Spirituality.
“Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self requires strength.”
Tao Te Ching c. 300 BC
This book describes what each person can do to improve their life on Planet Earth, through re-discovering, re-connecting with and strengthening their own Soul.
The events of 2020 set the pattern of the coming decades, and every person on the planet is now faced with a choice.
You can either bow down and become a servant of technology, government, those with the loudest voices or most violent intent, and allow yourself to be lied to and manipulated.
Or you can get strong, from the inside out. SOUL STRONG.
Becoming SOUL STRONG involves a few steps:
A re-birth of the sacred. The Universe is full of invisible forces that do not respond to the angry or the fearful, but do respond to individual Souls who follow the path of perfection. This book explains what these forces are and how to access them.
A re-founding of intention. We must commit to living as the Universe requires, not merely as we fancy from one moment to the next.
A re-direction of energy. The world cannot be positively changed by those who are weak in the Soul. Tyrannies are built by the Soul-less.
A re-definition of what it means to be human. The Body, Mind and Feelings are not what make us special. It is the Soul that counts.
A re-habilitation of the word STRENGTH. Because kindness and good intentions, alone, are simply not enough.
The weak can only become strong when they are orientated from their Soul, toward God. But in order to do this we have to recognise the reality of our broken-ness. We are not perfect, we are not ‘enough’ and it is vital to recognise this, for growth begins with the humility to admit that we don’t know everything, and that we are less than we might be. Those who scream at the flaws of others, while refusing to see their own, have cut themselves off from growth., as well as from strength.
Reading Soul Strong can be done in short spurts (some of its 155 chapters are only 2 or 3 pages long). And those who want to go deeper will find that the ideas contained within it can be worked on at length afterwards. But however you approach this book every second that is spent talking about, thinking about and working on the Soul increases your chances of health, happiness, success and fulfillment, in this life and the next.
We hope you enjoy the book.
Technical Details: Size 152mm x 229mm portrait. 654 pages. Soft cover with original illustrations and diagrams. Original cover art by Layla Oresme.