The Key to Time

The Key to Time
78 Connections to Your Past & Future Selves.
In some senses, no-one is ready for this book, and when you read it you will know that is no marketing teaser. The book is absurd and ridiculous in all sorts of ways. Yet it is also wholly true and immensely valuable, at least to all those who know, deep down, that there is something more to Life than what they can see with their open eyes.
It took me four years to write this book. Many late nights and early mornings were devoted to it from 2008 - 2011, before the first copies arrived in my hands in 2012. I was therefore gutted (to put it mildly) when it was said to me, very clearly and directly, that this book could not be published.
So, what has changed? Well, the world has changed, and those changes have opened a window through which this book can be made available to a limited audience. Part of the limitation will be that the book is only available here, directly from me, and not in bookshops. There will be no talks, courses or workshops about this book. When they are all sold that will be it. There will be no second print.
This is all because it is a very serious book, 'occult' in the purest and cleanest sense of the word. When I say serious I do not mean ‘hard to read’. If anything, it’s the opposite. It is very easy to read, and many of the exercises are very easy to start. But none of it should be approached lightly. It is serious, because it is real. Beginners and naïve New Agers be warned.
Contents of the Book: A Vision. A Strange Book Indeed. Freedom…from History, from Logic, from Complexity, from Self. Pictures & Numbers are Harmonious Friends. Measuring Time: Calendars, Ages & Cycles. Measuring the Zeitgeist: The Piscean Arrangement. The Living Past. Arrangement or Arrangement? The Fool Goes Down the Rabbit Hole. The Four-Fold Nature of Man & The Four Stages of Enlightenment. The Paths of the Elements: Positive & Negative, Flowering & Sorrowful, Demanding & Painful, Harnessed & Impotent. The Count of the Centuries: From The Fool to The World and Beyond 2200AD. Playing With Time. The Time Method. The Diary of a Time Traveller.
What Can You get from this Book?
An explanation of the connections between Tarot & Numerology.
The ability to better understand current world events, and predict future ones.
Deep, deep, deep meditative skills, applicable in a wide variety of circumstances.
A richer perspective on your own life and the world around you.
Significant insight into past and future lives.
Freedom from cultural, social, political and religious baggage.
And then, the core…How to Travel in Time. Yes, you read that correctly. That is not a throw-away claim or an aside on page 231. It is what the entire book is about - How to Travel in Time. But that's absurd, surely? Ha! With everything going on in the world we say that's absurd? I don't think so.
Safety First!! By purchasing this book, you are agreeing to the following statement. Read carefully and be sure that you agree before buying:
By purchasing this book I confirm that I am over 21 years of age, with a sound mind and a healthy body. I have not been diagnosed with, nor am I suffering from, ME, CFS, PTSD, bipolarity, anxiety or depression. I am not under supervision by any doctor or clinical professional. I am not taking any course of medication. I am not fitted with a heart pacemaker or any other electrical or electronic device. I do not suffer from epilepsy. I am not pregnant. I am not receiving - nor have in the past 10 years sought - psychiatric or psychological help.
Please note that no responsibility will be taken by the author or publisher for any consequences arising from performing the experiments detailed in this book. This is a book for free-thinking, open-minded adults, who seek knowledge and enlightenment. It is not for people who fear their own shadow, or for those who hate the world. Take this warning seriously and your purchase will be a valuable and enjoyable investment.
Technical Details: Size 152mm x 229mm portrait. 330 pages. Soft cover with extensive tables, original illustrations and diagrams.