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The Way of the Second Cross


“Teach me, Lord God, to have correct knowledge and understanding, for your wisdom is all that I desire. Speak your word in my ear, Lord God, and set your wisdom in my heart.”

The Prayer of Enoch, from John Dee’s Mysteriorum (1527-1608).

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LIVE Schedule

Join us online on the third Wednesday of every month for a live 1-hour webinar with Richard.

To access the zoom room, please CLICK HERE and enter this passcode if prompted: VadqN4



HEALING Schedule

Here is where we look after each other.

Please submit requests for healing or good vibes here, via the Telegram group or private message.

There are two suggested protocols (methods), one for healing (after or through illness or accident) here, and the other for good vibes (in advance of a big day or important event, or to quickly get over an unpleasant shock or surprise) here. There is also a general prayer/blessing for us all here. Healing / good vibes can be sent anytime, but it will probably be most effective first thing in the morning or in the evening. Feel free to do this anonymously, mention it to, or coordinate it with, others, as you see fit.

We will update the names of those in need as we go.

Currently we have :


3/2/25 - Elle Thomas, second bout of flu this year.

11/11/24 - Rita Cook, friend of Keta Rivera, for painful foot problems

30/9/24 - Eileen Johnson for Covid-like symptoms which include persistent shaking.

Jodie Acty for ongoing pain in the lower back, glutes and groin which is particularly disruptive to her sleep.


Mike Hart, old friend of John Pope, suffering from Parkinsons.


to all those who have helped all those in need.

Participation in this is optional and voluntary. But thank you to all who can do something here, however small you may feel it to be.

If you yourself are the recipient of healing or good vibes then don’t forget to also do what you can for yourself, using the resources below. Particularly see the Protect Yourself blog, as well as the Toolkit videos Self-Healing & Protection, Low Moods & Depression, the audio meditation Self Healing & Renewal and Layla’s video Speak Health, Healing & Positivity into Being.



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Click below to catch up on the most recent webinar replays.

These will be uploaded the day after the live event.

Access the notes from Quel age a tu? Cycles of Life 16/11/2022 here and from Which Lord Rules You? 19/10/2022 here

Access the extra resources from Tarot. Red, Amber, Green 19/7/2023 here and here and don’t forget the Tarot Little White Book UK/Euro version here, US version here, Italian language version here.

Access the instructions from The I Ching 17/4/24 here.

(Click right arrow for more videos)




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Designed to accompany the book Soul Strong Volume One

In this multi-part video course we will explore some of the main themes in the book.

The Course Introduction is an expanded version of what was presented at the London College of Psychic Studies in December 2021.

(Click right arrow for more videos)




Numerology, Tarot, Astrology (Plus the I Ching & Kabbalah too)

This is an 8-part video course, follow along at your own pace, designed for an intermediate to advanced level of knowledge and skill. I would recommend however that everyone who feels drawn to watch it should do so, regardless of their skill level. We only grow by moving beyond ourselves!

The additional info about 666 (from Part 3) can be found here (this takes you outside the members area)

Download the extra resources for Part 3, Part 6 and Part 7 here

(Click right arrow for more videos)




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“Time revolves according to number.” Plato, Timaeus (424-348BC)

“Number exists before objects which are described by number.” Plotinus (205-270AD)

“Numbers represent the highest level of knowledge, and everything is organised and based upon them.” Suleiman Sami Joukhadar, Keys to Sacred Science


Don’t forget the Meet Your Number audio journey in the Meditation section below. Check out a full reading list here. Read about the history of numerology here.

Check the Table of Letters here. Read about the Double Espresso Problem here, and more detail about Karmic Debts here.


This is a 30-episode course. Click right arrow below (>) for more episodes as they become available.

When you have watched up to and including Episode 25 email me with your postal address to request your free hard copy of the printed slides that go along with this course. There is a limited number of copies available, but when they are gone they are gone, so don’t delay. Many thanks to Ingrid Raphael for her assistance with this.



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“The greatest unbound book in all history.” Arthur Norris

Download the worksheet for ‘The End of the World. Are You Ready to be Judged? here.

See also the following videos in the Live Replays section:

Tarot: Red, Amber, Green (19/7/23), Which Lord Rules You? (10/10/22) & Tarot: Solid Foundations (17/8/22)

Access the extra resources from those videos:

Tarot. Red, Amber, Green here and here and don’t forget the Tarot Little White Book UK/Euro version here, US version here, Italian language version here. Which Lord Rules You? here, and an Extract from The Works of Arthur Norris Volume One here (58 pages).




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God - Fire - Air - Water - Earth


“Everything that has been created came into being through the effects of the elements. This applies to the macrocosm as well as the microcosm, the large and small worlds.”

Franz Bardon, Initiation into Hermetics.


 Reading Spiritual Books

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READING Spiritual Books

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” Haruki Murakami

More advanced students may wish to join me for an occasional series where I will take a deep dive into a wide range of books that can help you on your journey. Expect old classics, forgotten gems and overlooked masterpieces from a wide range of spiritual traditions, old and new. And even if you don’t consider yourself advanced then why not jump in anyway?

Latest episodes on the left, older episodes on the right.

(Click right arrow for more videos)

Download The Gospel of Judas here




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TOOLKIT Library 

Helpful tools will become available here as we progress together.

These tools will be reminders, and short exercises which address the fundamentals of your journey. Use these as your go-to in times of trouble, as well as foundational parts of your practice.

All these exercises are best undertaken when you are feeling unhurried and unpressured. Take your time to relax, turn off notifications on your device, sit, breathe, be calm. If you wish, count slowly backwards from 100. That’ll help. If you miss your place don’t worry just pick it up again wherever. Force nothing. Expect nothing. Relax.

Latest episodes on the left, older episodes on the right.

(Click right arrow for more videos)




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Library of exclusive articles for Hermitage Hub members.

(Click right arrow for more articles)



 Meditations, Visualisations & Journeys

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AUDIO Library

Collection of audio files exclusive for Hub members.

These exercises are suitable for repeat listening. They are not ‘activations’ in the sense of ‘do it once and you are done’. They are developmental exercises, which if practiced, will, over time, bring far-reaching and positive changes into your life.




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Meet and learn from Richard’s Team.

(Click right arrow for more videos)




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Download and save as your phone wallpaper for regular reminders.

INSTRUCTIONS: Whilst logged in on your smart phone, press and hold image, then click ‘save image’. Enjoy!

(Click right arrow for more images)



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