“The living are ruled by the dead.”
Who were you?
And why does it matter?
Many of the things about your current life situation can be traced back, ultimately, to a something that happened in a past life. This is because no good deed goes unrecognised and no bad deed goes uncorrected, in this or a future life.
Learning the details of your past lives can be tremendously illuminating, especially when pursued alongside knowledge of the meaning and purpose of this life. Often the blocks to happiness and success in this life stem from a past life, and when we explore this we often find that great progress can be made. Past life exploration can help us to understand and remove physical pain, to resolve and seal over emotional wounds and overcome mental blocks. This method can also be used to more deeply understand your attraction to, or repulsion from, certain people and/or places that you have encountered in this life.
The work of these wild times on Planet Earth is primarily karmic. If we are to have a future, then we must set right the present, in the context of the past. Many are currently attempting to do this on a collective level in society, but at the end of the day unless and until individuals investigate and resolve their own karma, for themselves and by themselves, very little in our world will improve. .
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
A Past Life Exploration session includes a numerology analysis of your most recent past life, before moving onto a guided journey where you will encounter one of your past lives. The success rate for this process is high, and the method proven over decades.
Reincarnation is one of the oldest human stories and Karma is one of humanity’s most fundamental laws.
It all boils down to the fact that the Soul does not die, but instead migrates from body to body over the course of thousands of years, with each incarnation giving the Soul a new arena of experience and a new curriculum of learning. Past Life Exploration enables you to recall the learning of previous lives. This saves you from repeating experiences that you have done before, and from wasting precious time in this life.
“…the pre-existence of the Soul was widely held and generally taught in the
early Christian Church up to the 6th-century. But when the Church formulated
the doctrines of ‘special creation’ and ‘original sin’ it became necessary to
eliminate the teachings of Origen and Clement of Alexandria who, with other
Christian Fathers had taught both pre-existence and reincarnation. After one or two unsuccessful attempts on the part of the Church to eliminate these teachings, the Council of Constantinople, convened by the Emperor Justinian in the year 553, issued the following decree – ‘whosoever shall support the mythical presentation of the pre-existence of the Soul and the consequently wonderful opinion of its return, let him be anathema.’ And so the conjunction of Church and State prevailed, and the idea of the continuous existence and progress of the Soul was pushed into the limbo of forgotten truths.”
Location: ONLINE (Zoom, Skype or your preferred platform)
Once you have booked and paid you can schedule your session using the form below.
If the dates/times you prefer are not available get in touch.
Safety First. By engaging in a Past Life Exploration session you are agreeing to the following statement. Read carefully and be sure that you agree before stepping forward:
By purchasing a session I confirm that I am over 18 years of age, with a sound mind and a healthy body. I have not been diagnosed with, nor am I suffering from, ME, CFS, PTSD, bipolarity, anxiety or depression. I am not under supervision by any doctor or clinical professional. I am not taking any course of medication. I am not addicted to alcohol or prescription medication. I am not fitted with a heart pacemaker or any other electrical or electronic device. I do not suffer from epilepsy. I am not pregnant.
If you decide to go ahead, in light of this warning, then please note that no responsibility will be taken by Richard Abbot, or The Hermitage Development Centre for any consequences arising from performing this exploration. This is a process for free-thinking, open-minded adults, who seek knowledge, enlightenment and personal growth. It is not for people who fear their own shadow, or for those who hate the world. Take this warning seriously and your session will be a valuable and enjoyable investment which will greatly contribute to your own growth and development, and by extension, that of the world.