Religious Differences, and how to deal with them

Someone said to me, a little while ago, that God created the world in six days (with a day off on the seventh to chill). Though I knew this had been accepted for centuries as literally true, I thought that such views had mostly passed the way of the dodo. I was tempted to argue the point with him but then I thought some more about it. It is obviously crazy to say that God created the world in six DAYS, but perhaps it was perfectly plausible to say that creation, generally speaking, takes six STEPS.

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Are you Wise or Woke?

Every period of history produces wise people. But only this century, this decade, the last few years, has produced people who are woke. By now everyone must have heard this word, used to describe those who have achieved a state of enlightenment and knowledge which enables them to magically see oppression, inequality, and injustice in ways that previous generations were blind to.

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The Dark Side of the Age of Aquarius

There is an idea going around that humanity stands on the brink of a New Age in which unfairness, injustice, greed and discrimination will be swept to one side and a new order of fairness, equity, peace and human rights will prevail.

It is hard to say precisely where this belief originated. Perhaps it is an outgrowth of the anticipated Second Coming of the Messiah? Perhaps it’s a hangover from the peace and love vibes of the 1960’s? But wherever the idea comes from it now permeates our entire society. Everyone can see that everything is changing.

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The Forces of Life

In this conversation Socrates explains that the world is made from triangles, which piece together with other triangles to make the solid objects we see today. Of course, he didn’t mean this literally (although mathematics confirms that it is actually kind of true). He meant that triangles – and the number 3 – are where things become visible and solid. Incidentally, after he finishes explaining about triangles, he goes on to tell his friends about Atlantis. But that is a story for another day…

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This is the Right Time

Someone asked me the other day how they should best cope with the latest round of shocking events on Planet Earth 2020. I knew her quite well, so I jokingly said “You are ringside at the Fall of Rome. Enjoy it!” She did not laugh, which I suppose was fair enough. So I explained that what I meant was events – though they may seem interesting and important - are not where the action really is…

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The Lessons of Rona. Part 7: Free Your Mind.

While most of us retain a thinking mind we are faced everyday with propaganda so insidious that it invades our consciousness before we even have a chance to think. It frames the argument before we have realised it and blocks off trackways of thought without us even knowing. This is a big problem but fortunately we now have a test for the presence of propaganda….

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The Lessons of Rona. Part 3: What is Love? (Baby don't hurt me...)

About 2400 years ago the wisest man in the world went to a dinner party. His name was Socrates and he was wise, according to the mystical voice of the Oracle of Delphi, because he knew that he knew nothing. The Oracle was supposedly impressed because after being inundated with idiots who claimed to know everything, she recognised that it takes wisdom to admit to ignorance

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The Lessons of Rona. Part 2: Uniqueness

One of the most precious things is life is that we are all different. Imagine how boring it would be if we were all the same.

Do you remember the internet craze about The Dress a few years ago? You know, what colour is the dress in the picture? Some people thought it was black and blue, others thought it white and gold. Why the disagreement? Because people are different.

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The Lessons of Rona. Part 1: Gratitude

There seem to be two ways of approaching our current situation. One is just to get through it, the other is to get something out of it. I am focused on those who want to get something out of this, those who want to learn the lessons.

And there are many lessons to learn! Some people are already talking in positive terms about life After-Corona, certain about how this experience will change life for the better.

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