All Roads Lead to Rome

While talking with an interesting client the other day I was reminded of something that appears in my forthcoming book SOUL STRONG that all problems are consciousness problems.

It boils down to this:

1. Consciousness is another word for awareness.

2. The raising of consciousness is the purpose of Life.

3. The failure to raise consciousness is the cause of all human problems.

Every incident, accident or encounter is an opportunity to expand or raise our consciousness. For those who are so inclined there is an extra special opportunity to do this on 21st December, but in truth the best day for consciousness expansion is TODAY, EVERYDAY, and ALL DAYS because consciousness does not leap, it evolves, over lifetimes.

On an individual level, raising consciousness means:

Listening to the Body (but not being dictated to by it).

Feeling your Feelings (and learning how to discern the signal from the noise).

Thinking your own Thoughts (rather than repeating the thoughts and words of others).

Then, but maybe only then, will we be able to connect with super-consciousness, aka, God, Source or the Universe.

Basically, we may deem ourselves conscious when we know what is happening, why it is happening and what our role in it is.

Raising consciousness is a difficult matter though, because it always brings pre-existing problems to the surface. If consciousness is raised to far, too fast or too soon then the person or people might repress or deny what they discover, and seek to offload what they have glimpsed about themselves onto others. The raising of consciousness cannot therefore be rushed, but nor can it be avoided.

2020 has given everyone a chance to raise their consciousness, and as this has happened so all the bad things – which were there all along – come more and more to light. In the long run this will be a good thing because problems cannot be solved until they are known.

Those who do the hard work of raising their own consciousness should not be surprised when much mess and error appears before them. Similarly, as consciousness is raised en masse we should expect considerable problems to appear in the world. It may be tempting to believe that the problems that are revealed are political, economic, social, religious, cultural, scientific, technological, psychological, medical or environmental, or to do with education, class, gender or race. But the reality is that all these things are merely symptoms of the deeper problem of a lack of consciousness. It is as true as it ever was; if you want to change the world you have to first change yourself.

Human consciousness cannot be raised by passing new laws, even if those laws are well-intentioned. Nor can it be raised by beating people over the head with facts. Consciousness is, was and always will be a voluntary game, and all that any of us can do is encourage others to be aware of perspectives, opinions and possibilities that, without us, they would otherwise be ignorant of. The snag is, of course, that they might not want you to do this. But they will thank you for it. In the end.

Photo by Diego Jimenez on Unsplash