Richard Abbot

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As we home in on two important dates – the USA Pluto Return on 20/2/2022 and the Terrible Twos on 22/2/2022 - I thought I would try to provide some clarity about what is going on in the world.

If you were born in the West in the twentieth century then you arrived into a society ruled by the number 1.

Pick a year - 1994, 1972, 1961, 1945, 1933 – all the years of the twentieth century began with a 1, but they also began with 19, and 1 + 9 = 10 = 1. 1 was the energy of the masculine, the element Fire, of pioneering innovation and invention, but also of short sightedness and selfishness. 1 = Me. 1 = The Magician in the Tarot.

But now we all live in the 21st century. Pick a year - 2001, 2013, 2020, 2045 – all the years of this century begin with 20, and 2 + 0 = 2. 2 is the energy of the feminine, of co-operation, the element Water, of flow, mysticism, secrets and hidden influences, as well as of fear. 2 = Me and You. 2 = The High Priestess in the Tarot.

Under the influence of the 2 – especially with repetitive dates like 20/2/2022 and 22/2/2022 – we live in a world of blurred lines. No longer are there certainties, instead we have conflicting currents, tides and waves. The days of situations with a defined beginning and end are over. Things phase in and then phase out, and this now happens so much that people can hardly remember when things changed.

Covid is a perfect case in point. Where did it come from? When did it start? When did it end? It is impossible to be certain about any of these things. One minute everything is fine then the next minute the entire world is locked down. Fast forward two years and one minute we are facing the deadliest variant yet and the next minute everything gets opened up again, almost as if nothing ever happened. Yet something did happen, and for example in England, even though we are opening up, the Coronavirus Act is still in force. The virus is there, yet it is not. This is a perfect expression of the 2, where nothing is as it seems.

Of course, it suits certain people to muddy the waters of the 2 and increase the uncertainty factor further. And it suits others, in the face of increased instability to promise to be the strong one who restores everything to normal. But anyone who promises certainty is whistling in the wind. Throughout the time of the 2 – and that means the rest of our lives - all will be unclear, and there will always something going on behind the scenes, behind the veil of the High Priestess card. In these times all is fuzzy, all is slightly out of focus, and seeking definition or absolutes is a mugs game.

Under such circumstances we have the world leaders that we deserve. Boris Johnson (B = 2) is the perfect expression of 2-ness, the man for whom a party is only a party if he wants it to be, and who has ministers who cannot say whether they attended said party or not until the police classify it as a party. On the one hand this is just flat out lying, on the other hand it is 2-ness. Joe Biden (born on the 20th ) and Kamala Harris (K = 11 = 2, born on the 20th) are also perfect actors for this scene, both utterly incapable of coherent thought or speech, but perfectly suited to swim with whatever tide will advantage them. All these people, and more, will however be washed away, sooner or later and it will be as if they never existed. These people, and more, are overdue the harsh lesson that all political careers end in failure.

Blurred lines now exist in ordinary life too, where the separation between home and work has been virtually erased, the boundaries between genders increasingly unclear and where weekdays blend into weekends. In our ordinary, everyday interactions people appear as one thing one minute, until they are revealed as something completely different the next. And we should expect a lot more of this, in the coming days and years. Did Steph reply to my text, or did she not? Or did she reply but not actually commit? Will she even show up, because she didn’t last time? This is now increasingly the way of the world.

Although this all may seem rather disturbing it is simply the washing away of the old order. All these world leaders who offer certainty are like King Canute trying to hold back the sea. ‘Get Brexit Done’ was a perfect slogan for these times, designed to play on peoples fears of uncertainty and make them believe that a final resolution could be achieved. But Brexit will never be done! Zero Covid policies, and methods by which the bad, unvaccinated people can be cordoned off from the good, vaccinated people, are again perfect for those selling the false prospectus of certainty. But when is a vaccine not a vaccine? When it prevents neither infection nor transmission! The promised certainty of ‘2 weeks to spread the curve’ turned into 2 years to install communism and the offer of get jabbed to get your freedoms back quickly morphed into Carry On Jabbing. Ooooh Matron!!

Nothing is as it seems, because the vibration of our time is ‘secrets’. I am quite certain that in the coming years it will be shown that our governments and institutions have been up to the most horrendous activities, all under the cover of providing certainty, safety and security, and when that comes out the entire system will be washed away. It is already starting to happen but there is a lot more to come. Of course, the powers that be will fight to preserve their position, and will call the revealing of secrets ‘misinformation’, but in the end none of them will be able to resist the turning of the tide.

I say all this so as to provide a different way of looking at life. Think of everything now as water, impossible to grasp and constantly moving. Some of it is clean, but most of it muddy. Whenever someone comes along promising safety and security you know that they have merely been dragged up from the bottom of the river and will themselves be washed away at the next tide.

The future is therefore unstable and changeable, markets volatile, electoral politics prone to upsets or wild swings, and miracle solutions liable to be proved duds. Stars and celebrities will be made in the evening, before being destroyed the following morning. All this may last decades, and the world at the end of it will be unrecognisable to those of us born in the twentieth century. No external force or agency, especially not government, can stop the changes that are coming. The only thing we can do is to try to establish some certainty within our own being, and this is done by establishing a balance between mind and heart.

“The heart itself is a just a small vessel, yet dragons are there, and there also be lions, there are poisonous beasts and the treasures of evil. But there too is God…” St Macarius

Again, observe world leaders for a clue here. Their manner, their delivery and their intentions are almost wholly emotional. For those of us who have recently escaped from the cold harsh world of the logical mind this might seem like a liberation, but beware, for the heart has many traps. We may just as well experience the emotions of fear, anger and resentment as we would love, joy and hope. The Covid narrative and associated government policies have been driven by fear, not by science and certainly not by compassion. Fear is the mind killer, and it must be taken in hand if you want to prosper in these times.

Politicians love fear. It enables them, it offers up problems for which only they can provide solutions. Again, Covid was a perfect example of this, an invisible killer which could indiscriminately strike you down at anytime, anywhere. Except it was never anything of the sort, certainly not a justifiable reason to destroy livelihoods and freedoms fought for over centuries.

Covid, or something like it will probably come again, maybe as another wave, or as a rebooted Covid-24 (pick whatever number you fancy). There may or may not be a Russian invasion of Ukraine, or perhaps that will just be a ‘minor incursion?’ Has that in fact already happened? Who are the aggressors and who are the innocent parties here? Things are not as they seem, and they are certainly not as clearcut as television talking heads would have you believe. There will, very likely, be a war between China and America, but will that be with rockets and bombs, or will it be cyber, or economic? Or is that already happening? Britain has left the European Union, or has it simply moved from being half-in to half-out? And what even is Britain anyway when so many powers have been devolved to the regional governments? All is not as it seems, or as most people thought.

All of this is intensely important, yet at the same time it does not matter one jot, because as the cosmic tides turn, they drag up all sorts of crap from the bottom of the river, muddying the waters and making it impossible to see. Of course, there will be plenty of people who will claim to be able to discern the shapes in the water, even though one minute they are there, and the next minute they are gone. Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, all these fools who believe themselves to be key players in the unfolding of history are simply B-grade actors in a play whose run is coming to an end. These folk, and people like them are utterly insignificant in the scheme of things, and those who fix their colours to their masts will be swept away too, eventually.

But none of this may happen anytime soon, and it could well be that governments become even more authoritarian, even downright dictatorial, before anything gets better. Even though I am happy to mock these people the problems of the world cannot be laid solely at their door. If people were not so riven by fear then governments simply would not get away with so much. Human beings have agency, we alone are responsible for our lives, and ignorance, in 2022, is a choice.

But forget all that because there is something much more important going on. The future is spiritual. It is mystical. The Twos are only terrible if we shy away from the initiation that the High Priestess offers. And she is here already, right in front of us, every minute of every day, offering to show us what is happening behind the veil, behind the scenes. Many people are still absorbed by the performance on stage, and the producers of the play keep adding plot twists and special guest stars to try and keep their show on the road. But more and more people are noticing the lady standing at the side of the stage, beckoning those who want to know what’s going on behind the scenes. Only this way, behind the curtain, can we find the peace and security that we crave.

Stability is an inside job, one which should never be outsourced to government. And spiritual development is the way to achieve it., though this process is often accompanied by disillusionment with the world. If that is how it is for you then do not fight it. Disillusionment – the dispelling of illusions – is a good thing, a marker on the journey to enlightenment. Expect much more of it, and treat it as a blessing, not a curse.

Photo by Matt Paul Catalano on Unsplash