Richard Abbot

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RENEWAL: Heaven and Earth

Hotel Air-Conditioned, Bangkok, Thailand, Sunday 16th February 2568, 7.23am*

Every human being, without exception, is subject to two fundamental forces. Of course there are also a million-and-one other factors that determine human behaviour from one minute to the next. But when I say fundamental I mean that when all is said and done, at the end of the day, in the final analysis, in the root and at the core, all human life exists on a vertical spectrum, the two ends of which we can call ABOVE and BELOW.

Now, before we go any further let me save both of us a whole lot of time and trouble. If you believe that by me spelling out two fundamental forces I am somehow ‘immersed in false duality’, ‘lacking nuance’, ‘ignoring the quantum realm’ or any other made-up BS that you’ve been programmed to believe then feel free to stop reading and unfollow me right now. There will be no hard feelings on my part, yet I am absolutely serious that those who are unwilling to examine the fundamentals must forever waft around in the ether of vagueness, at which point it must be so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodnight.

Still here? Good for you. Let’s do this…

Humans are pulled UPWARDS. They wish to fly, metaphorically as well as literally. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Every human is headed somewhere, and has a goal, whether they realise it or not. This upwards motivation shows itself in a hundred clear ways, as well as a thousand distorted ones, but basically it boils down to a thirst for the Divine.

But we are also, simultaneously, pulled DOWNWARDS, physically by what scientists call gravity, but in many other ways too. We are after all, souls in BODIES.

These two forces - ABOVE and BELOW - are the reason why all humans are, effectively, bipolar. We want to be here and we have a lust for life, on Planet Earth. Yet we yearn to escape the oppression of the material and return to the Divine. The degree to which people are conscious of this varies wildly, but that doesn’t really matter because it’s true whether we are aware of it or not.

The problem of course is that most of us, most of the time, have no real handle on these two fundamental forces, and are instead living our lives bouncing around in an entirely fictitious world of ideas and feelings, promises, regrets, hopes, fears, wishes and dreads, chasing some things and people, running away from others. Our arch-capitalist consumer society is eager to add layers and layers of nonsense on top of all this by presenting us with the illusions of choice and control. Adidas or Nike? iPhone or Android? Tesco or Morrisons? Conservative or Labour? Except none of these ‘choices’ have anything to do with the core of human existence, which is defined by how we navigate the pull between ABOVE and BELOW, or to put it another way, HEAVEN and EARTH.

On that note here’s another opportunity to check out of this discussion, if you would like. If my use of the term HEAVEN renders this discussion too reductive, too Western, too Christian, too hierarchical or too patriarchal then the solution to your discomfort lays in your hands. See ya!

If on the other hand you can take the word HEAVEN simply as a placeholder for a blissful, non-material realm of pure energy then we are safe to continue…

ABOVE and BELOW. HEAVEN and EARTH. These are the two fundamental forces, the two ends of the spectrum upon which all human life is lived. But while HEAVEN is ONE THING, the EARTH is not, and is in fact MANY THINGS. How so, you may ask? Well for the answer to that we have to invoke an old friend, advisor to the Illustrious Court of Queen Elizabeth I, mathematician, magician, astrologer and wayward genius, John Dee.

I have mentioned Dee before, and before you wonder, no, he’s not one of my past lives. Now, Dee thought and wrote many things, and there are many modern day researchers who claim some kind of ownership or expertise around him. I will leave you to discern the value, or otherwise, of such contributions. As far as I am concerned Dee’s chief legacy was his theory of the Parts of the Earth, the core of which states that there is no such thing as One World, and that the globe is in fact divided and separated into parts, by God, for good reasons. These parts sometimes, and sometimes not, correspond with nations and tribal lands. Dee reckoned there were 91 Parts of the Earth, I say there are more than that, and that they change their form and size over time.

The precise what, where and how of these Parts of the Earth can be parked for another day. The point is that each Part of the Earth pulls us DOWNWARDS. Now, in no way should we conceive of UPWARDS as good and DOWNWARDS as bad. Rather the image to have in your mind is of GOD ABOVE YOU, the EARTH BELOW YOU, with YOU acting as the conduit, the sacred bridge between. We are the spectrum upon which the forces of HEAVEN and EARTH travel. Sit with that for a moment if you need to.

Now for something very important - the Parts of the Earth are really just the animating spirits that guide each nation. and they ARE SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT from one another. If you can grasp this then you can take a major step into YOUR DIVINITY. But to do this you will also have to abandon the ONE WORLD DELUSION, because to be FULLY ALIVE, that is to say HUMAN and DIVINE, we need GOD and we need PLACE.

Plenty of folk say they need neither, right up until their next existential crisis.

Plenty of other folk say that place doesn’t matter and that any human can happily live and thrive anywhere. Yet this is simply not true, for the land, which possesses a different energy and vibration from place to place, calls certain people to it, while rejecting others. The Land chooses its stewards, not the other way around, 

Now, this might be an opportune moment to introduce an elephant in the room, because once you start talking about GOD and LAND, then someone will soon start talking about race. On this matter I am inclined to the view of a highly intelligent Asian-American lady I once knew who said to me that “everyone is racist, it’s just that some people hate their own.” Of course, even if you can kind-of-accept this then most of us are bound to say “but not me!” Trouble is, in my experience, she is right, mostly everyone is racist.

Don’t freak out. I’m not saying it’s a good thing. To identify human value by skin tone, heritage or nationality is one of the lowest vibrational activities that a human can perform. Yet most humans do it most the time, often reflexively and unconsciously. Truly, it is rare for anyone to be seen as a Divine Soul, still less to be treated as one, and there is no culture, no racial group, no nationality that passes these tests with flying colours. Indeed some cultures are taught to hate the other from Day One, while others are constantly told to hate themselves. And so long as this continues then so will all the ugly, soul-suppressing effects of prejudice and discrimination. But fortunately there is another way, a way to transcend this, and that is for everyone to realise that they can act as a bridge between HEAVEN and EARTH. But to do this properly we must fully internalise the fact that as well as souls needing to be in specific bodies, they also need to be in specific places, and that those places call them. What John Dee was really saying is that there exists what some mockingly call MAGIC SOIL, essentially animating spirits which are different from place to place, which call certain souls and reject others.

But - very important now - this is not what has happened in our world, especially not in the last twenty years. What we have instead experienced is a deeply unspiritual, globalised, co-ordinated, undemocratic, political-financial project designed to deaden every soul and turn every member of the human race into a consumer. A ‘better life’ has been promised to millions of people from poor countries if they would just move to the rich ones, while those in the wealthy and developed countries have been told that their cultures and traditions, which were built over centuries, have no meaning and that they desperately need to be culturally enriched by welcoming huge numbers of newcomers. But it’s all been a grand lie, spun not for the benefit of the displaced migrant whose home has been destroyed in war, but for mega-corporations who, like vampires, always need more blood to suck on, aided and abetted by their servants, naive left-progressive political activists for whom no amount of good deeds would ever be enough to fill the gaping chasm in their soul. In other words, the large scale movement of people around the planet in the last two decades has not had one single spiritual dimension to it, and has in fact been driven by anti-spiritual forces who seek to sever people’s connection to their land.

So, to recap, we have these things called Parts of the Earth, a fancy term for BELOW, the ancient and natural divisions of the planet, each with their own animating spirits, identified by Dee, but pre-existing him by thousands (millions?) of years. The boundaries of these were always sensed by inituitives throughout history, sketched by dowsers, formalised by map-makers, sometimes respected but more often disregarded by politicians and generals, overlaid by businessmen and rubbed away by progressives.

Then we have God, just another word for ABOVE, but a singular not a plural for in the final analysis there can only be ONE GOD because there is only ONE DIRECTION, sought by billions of souls, through their countless steps and missteps across multiple lives. Ultimately every action we, as humans, take, succeeds when we are rooted in our correct Part of the Earth and orientated toward the ONE GOD. In practical terms this means that everybody needs GOD, as well as needing a HOME.

Of course, none of this should be taken to suggest that you cannot travel or experience all that this world has to offer. If you can then you should. But if you do, with your eyes open, you will see that not all places are the same, that the energy of places differs because the animating spirits of that place vary. You will also see that belonging is not the same as visiting (even if your visit lasts twenty years).

Of course, all this might be considered highly esoteric, to the point where you may wonder how it affects your life in any meaningful way. The answer is that the whole of your life, your society and everything in it is the way it is because of this, because of the broken link between HEAVEN and EARTH.

ABOVE and BELOW - HEAVEN and EARTH. The two things are inseparable. They come as a pair. Without GOD you will never find your PLACE, and without roots in a PLACE you will constantly misidentify GOD. This is the curse of our world, a humanity that has cut itself adrift from twin nourishments that it cannot really live without, GOD and PLACE.

The crisis of meaning in our modern world is born of the fact that our societies are not governed by these basic principles, but according to a negative vision, which we might simply call ‘Stopping Hitler’. ‘Stopping Hitler’ is a an easy term for what has guided pretty much all government policy in the West since 1945. It has been literal, but also metaphoric. ‘Stopping Hitler’ hasn’t just meant warring against dictators. It has meant stopping all bad things from happening. It has meant passing laws that prevent harm and reduce danger. Noble aims, we might say. Yet ‘Stopping Hitler’ has also meant killing risk, stifling adventure and draining our world of life, colour and vigour. As a result our societies have become weak, unable to defend themselves against even the common cold, let alone more vicious pathogens. And due to the indisputable fact that ‘what you resist, persists’ many of todays leaders, people such as Keir Starmer and Justin Trudeau, have become the very thing they intended to fight against, authoritarian dictators. And so, in 2025, the results are in. A negative vision of life is not enough to sustain a civilisation. There has to be something to fight for, not just against. ‘Stopping Hitler’ isn’t enough, and simply results in New Hitlers.

And right on cue, to oppose this, something has now stirred. The whirlwind actions of the US government following the election of Trump bring the era of rootless globalisation to a close. Whether you like it or not the Voice of Nations once again begins to murmur. At first these noises sound purely political, and if you have bought into the ‘Stopping Hitler’ narrative, then they will also sound not a little scary. But underneath all the surface noise individual humans have started to reconnect with the land under their feet, as well as the God above their head. If enough people do this it will bring nothing short of a complete and total revolution in human behaviour and the beginning of something extraordinarily positive. As such, though the coming decades are likely to be uncertain and dangerous there is perhaps more hope for humanity now than there has been for two thousand years. How might you take advantage of this, you may ask?

Well, if the above makes any sense at all then immediately begin to rebuild the sacred bridge within you with one simple action. Place your hands not on your heart, or your stomach, and certainly not on your head., Place them instead on your solar plexus, breathe slowly and just BE THERE. Do this regularly, for short bursts, until it becomes a habit. Clearly there is more to our work than this, yet at the same time there is not. You rebuild yourself as a sacred bridge, and by extension your community and then your nation as as a sacred grove, by reconnecting to your Soul, which for most people resides, dormant, in their SOLAR PLEXUS.

This extract is taken from my forthcoming book, provisionally titled RENEWAL: GB2045.

(* Bangkok is the future, because over there it’s not 2025, its 2568. Really.)